Written Guides

A collection of tools and resources to support your own fulfillment journey

Don’t waste any more
time feeling unfulfilled

The process of the Fulfillment Equation is built on the recognition that time is your most precious asset. The steps are essentially a method for infusing as many moments of small joy into your day-to-day life as possible until those small joys fill up your cup. Over time, you can start to link this ground-up approach to a set of top-down steps that help you connect with your goals and your “why”. When you get really fluent with the process, you can navigate seamlessly from the moments of your day to day to your most far-reaching dreams, making the connections that feed your fulfillment in the now.

These articles explore the steps in detail, along with the important foundational themes and how it all works together.

- Michael Levy
- Michael Levy
Time is your most precious asset

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Step 4 (Your Personal Strategy): Checking In & Assessing Progress

We’ve created a bold vision, we’ve identified our pursuits, we’ve mapped a course of action and now it’s time to check in on occasion to reflect on where we’re at and make adjustments if needed. We’ll do this by assessing our vision, validating our strategy and refreshing our action plan. We’ll also discuss the sweet spot where your Unique Equation and Personal Strategy intersect! This is where long-lasting fulfillment resides.

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Step 3 (Your Personal Strategy): Putting Your Strategy Into Action

We now have a vision and personal strategy that give us clarity and direction when it comes to building future fulfillment. But how do we turn that strategy into action? This step (Step 3 of Your Personal Strategy) focuses on creating an action plan that will help you bridge the gap between your high-level strategy and your day-to-day activities.

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Step 2 (Your Personal Strategy): Designing Your Personal Strategy

The goal of this next step is to create a personal strategy – a model – that will give us clarity and focus as we begin the journey of connecting our wild, beautiful, long-term vision to our present life. In this article, I’ll explain three different approaches that you can take to identify the pillars and priorities that make up your personal strategy. It’s like a choose-your-own-adventure for your own strategy design!

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