Learn how to develop and make a practice of your own unique equation.

Don’t waste any more
time feeling unfulfilled

The process of the Fulfillment Equation is built on the recognition that time is your most precious asset. The steps are essentially a method for infusing as many moments of small joy into your day-to-day life as possible until those small joys fill up your cup. Over time, you can start to link this ground-up approach to a set of top-down steps that help you connect with your goals and your “why”. When you get really fluent with the process, you can navigate seamlessly from the moments of your day to day to your most far-reaching dreams, making the connections that feed your fulfillment in the now.

These articles explore the steps in detail, along with the important foundational themes and how it all works together.

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Step 6 (Your Unique Equation): Making It A Habit

If you are disciplined in building a practice around your fulfillment equation, you will discover that it actually becomes a habit! This article covers the final step (step 6) of the Unique Equation process. Learn how daily habits turn into lifelong fulfillment and better understand what parts of the daily practice can become ingrained.

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Step 5 (Your Unique Equation): Analysis & Adjustment

Your equation practice has yielded you a wealth of information – so what trends are you seeing and what insights can you gain from it? This article covers Step 5 of the Unique Equation process, describing how you can use your equation to engage in meaningful reflection, analysis and adjustment. Included are tons of tips and examples on how to keep getting better at using your equation as a tool in nurturing your own fulfillment.

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Step 4 (Your Unique Equation): Flexing Your Week

Once you’ve built your equation and put it into a daily practice, you’ll need to know how to flex your week. This article covers Step 4 of the Unique Equation process by describing how to master the balance between discipline and agility throughout the week. It is full of tips and tricks to help keep you firmly in charge of your time.

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Step 2 (Your Unique Equation): Building Your Equation

Are you curious to start your own fulfillment equation practice to help you maximize the joy in daily living? The second step in adopting a practice is to build your equation. This article (and related podcast episode) tells you exactly how to do that and showcases an example using building blocks. It also has some context at the beginning to describe why the approach of an equation is so important. This is the next bold step toward maximizing the joy in daily living!

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Step 1 (Your Unique Equation): Brainstorming & Organizing Your Word Cloud

When it comes to discovering your own unique fulfillment equation, the first step is to brainstorm and organize your word cloud. This article (and related podcast episode) tells you exactly how to do that and draws from examples in creating my own initial fulfillment equation. It also has some context at the beginning to tell the story of what led me to create it in the first place. Brainstorming and organizing your word cloud is part of adopting a practice around your own unique equation. It is a bold first step toward maximizing the joy in daily living!

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- Michael Levy
- Michael Levy
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Time is your most precious asset

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