Erin on Analysis & Adjustment (Step 5)

Episode 17

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

Now that you’ve built your own unique equation, cultivated a daily practice, and learned how to flex your week, it’s time to understand how to engage in meaningful reflection, analysis and adjustment. Your equation practice has yielded you a wealth of information – so what trends are you seeing and what insights can you gain from it?

If you are feeling like something is amiss when it comes to spending your time the way you want to, this valuable step is where you will start to get some important perspective. It will give you the power to take control of your life and find ways to spend more of your time exactly the way you want to.

This episode of the podcast outlines Step 5 of the Unique Equation process, describing how you can look for insights that will help you learn and evolve as you strive to maximize joy in daily living. Included in this episode are tons of tips and examples on how you can keep getting better at using your equation as a tool in nurturing your own fulfillment.

(Note: Listeners will want to check out Step 1 (Brainstorming and Organizing Your Word Cloud) , Step 2 (Building Your Equation), Step 3 (Putting Your Equation Into Practice) and Step 4 (Flexing Your Week) before listening to this episode).

“Overall, the analysis and adjustment practice is an exercise in coming to a point of intersection between your expectations and reality.”

– Erin


Transcript coming soon


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