Inspiration through Podcast

Conversations to explore a diversity of fulfillment equations

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Nancy Ho on Redefining Success and Fostering Fulfillment

In my final guest episode of Season 2, I’m chatting with Fulfillment guru, Nancy Ho, who joins us all the way from Singapore! Nancy’s work centres on what she has labeled as the “Professional Paradox”, which is the odd duality in which many people who are talented and (by all traditional measures) “successful”, often struggle to find personal fulfillment. How can this be? This episode is chock-full of wisdom on how to avoid happiness pitfalls and effectively guide yourself toward a stronger sense of fulfillment.

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Erin on Checking In & Assessing Progress (Personal Strategy: Step 4)

We’ve created a bold vision, we’ve identified our pursuits, we’ve mapped a course of action and now it’s time to check in on occasion to reflect on where we’re at and make adjustments if needed. We’ll do this by assessing our vision, validating our strategy and refreshing our action plan. We’ll also discuss the sweet spot where your Unique Equation and Personal Strategy intersect! This is where long-lasting fulfillment resides.

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Charles Achampong on Worldwide Family Travel & The Power of The Pause

Have you ever dreamed about taking a break from your daily routine and travelling the world with your family? This week’s guest, Charles Achampong, did exactly that – put his regular life on pause and travelled the world for 6 months with his wife and two young kids. Together, we talk about things that are central to fulfillment, such as using travel as a catalyst for personal growth, finding joy in the ordinary, and learning to beautifully colour outside the lines. We dig into the power of pausing and the steps Charles and his family took to make this happen so that, if interested, you can make it happen in your life too!

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Kristy Shen on Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)

“Stop Working, Start Living”. Those powerful words grace the cover of the life-changing book “Quit Like a Millionaire”, expertly written by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung. In this week’s episode, I have the opportunity to chat with Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) guru Kristy Shen about all kinds of freedom – financial freedom, time freedom, freedom from stuff and location freedom. In our conversation, we discuss strategies to retire early, optimize your money and live your dream of travelling the world. We also dig into her evolving appreciation for the gray in FIRE and in life.

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Crystal Richard on Entrepreneurship and New Brunswick Travel

In this week’s episode, we get to know Crystal Richard (a.k.a. the East Coast Mermaid). I stumbled across Crystal on our trip to Atlantic Canada when her online blog made it feel like our family had a new best friend giving us a private, guided tour of Grand Manan Island. Together, we dig into her experience as an entrepreneur, how she finds creativity in storytelling and why we should all develop a coastal crush on New Brunswick.

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Caroline Paul on How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age

What a treat it is this week to welcome Caroline Paul to the podcast! Caroline’s most recent book, Tough Broad: From Boogie Boarding to Wing Walking – How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age, is incredibly insightful when it comes to learning about opportunities to pour into our own fulfillment. This is not just a book; it is a full-blown quest to explore and understand how to live a dynamic life, especially as we grow older. Together, we explore redefining adventure, the magic of nature, the importance of awe and why a positive view of aging is so critical to your health.

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Erin on Putting Your Strategy Into Action (Personal Strategy: Step 3)

Step 3 of Your Personal Strategy focuses on creating an action plan that will help you bridge the gap between your high-level strategy and your day-to-day activities. By celebrating our accomplishments so far, then identifying short-term goals and supporting behaviours for each pillar in our strategy, we can confidently move out of “thinking” mode and into “doing” mode.

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Parveen Dhupar on Lovin’ It, Livin’ It and Finding Your Ikigai

“Lovin’ It, Livin’ It” is the motto of this week’s guest, Parveen Dhupar, and as he explains, the order matters! As Parveen describes so beautifully, “You have to love yourself first, you have to love life first, before you can live it to its fullest”. In this episode, we cover this and so much more, including themes of positivity, a gentle approach to starting each day, living your ikigai and being in control of your time.

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David Carley on Resourcefulness, Travel and Lifelong Learning

In this episode, I’m talking with entrepreneur, real estate investor and world traveller, David Carley. Dave is like a modern-day MacGyver in his persistent (sometimes stubborn, as he describes) commitment to figuring things out and making things happen. I dig into the innate qualities that have led to Dave’s success to see if we can learn tricks to adopt them too! Plus Dave has great tips for designing your life, either when it comes to travel or the next chapter.

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How many more years are you going to let life pass you by? Start living!

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Erin Mayo


It’s our job to get you the information you need, so you can make the most of your aviation investments.

Joe Marie


t’s our job to get you the information you need, so you can make the most of your aviation investments.

Amanda Michael


t’s our job to get you the information you need, so you can make the most of your aviation investments.

Brayan Olson


t’s our job to get you the information you need, so you can make the most of your aviation investments.

Latest Articles


Nancy Ho on Redefining Success and Fostering Fulfillment

In my final guest episode of Season 2, I’m chatting with Fulfillment guru, Nancy Ho, who joins us all the way from Singapore! Nancy’s work centres on what she has labeled as the “Professional Paradox”, which is the odd duality in which many people who are talented and (by all traditional measures) “successful”, often struggle to find personal fulfillment. How can this be? This episode is chock-full of wisdom on how to avoid happiness pitfalls and effectively guide yourself toward a stronger sense of fulfillment.

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How Our Family Travel Is Changing As Our Kids Grow

We’ve been doing “life travel” for five years now. When the kids were young, it seemed like they would be that way forever and we could travel using the same formula in perpetuity. All of a sudden we have a high school kid in the house with a tween close behind. In this article, I cover how we’ve evolved and adapted to continue to do life travel as our kids grow.

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Step 4 (Your Personal Strategy): Checking In & Assessing Progress

We’ve created a bold vision, we’ve identified our pursuits, we’ve mapped a course of action and now it’s time to check in on occasion to reflect on where we’re at and make adjustments if needed. We’ll do this by assessing our vision, validating our strategy and refreshing our action plan. We’ll also discuss the sweet spot where your Unique Equation and Personal Strategy intersect! This is where long-lasting fulfillment resides.

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Erin on Checking In & Assessing Progress (Personal Strategy: Step 4)

We’ve created a bold vision, we’ve identified our pursuits, we’ve mapped a course of action and now it’s time to check in on occasion to reflect on where we’re at and make adjustments if needed. We’ll do this by assessing our vision, validating our strategy and refreshing our action plan. We’ll also discuss the sweet spot where your Unique Equation and Personal Strategy intersect! This is where long-lasting fulfillment resides.

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Charles Achampong on Worldwide Family Travel & The Power of The Pause

Have you ever dreamed about taking a break from your daily routine and travelling the world with your family? This week’s guest, Charles Achampong, did exactly that – put his regular life on pause and travelled the world for 6 months with his wife and two young kids. Together, we talk about things that are central to fulfillment, such as using travel as a catalyst for personal growth, finding joy in the ordinary, and learning to beautifully colour outside the lines. We dig into the power of pausing and the steps Charles and his family took to make this happen so that, if interested, you can make it happen in your life too!

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Kristy Shen on Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)

“Stop Working, Start Living”. Those powerful words grace the cover of the life-changing book “Quit Like a Millionaire”, expertly written by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung. In this week’s episode, I have the opportunity to chat with Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) guru Kristy Shen about all kinds of freedom – financial freedom, time freedom, freedom from stuff and location freedom. In our conversation, we discuss strategies to retire early, optimize your money and live your dream of travelling the world. We also dig into her evolving appreciation for the gray in FIRE and in life.

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- lyrics to "Shove" by Angels & Airwaves
- lyrics to "Shove" by Angels & Airwaves
Forget the things that you own.
And travel almost anywhere you can go.