
The whole wide world is yours to explore.

Find yourself along the way

A key element of pursuing my own fulfillment equation has been finding freedom through location independence. This has meant gradually bringing more and more travel into our daily living. I call it “life travel” because it is a blend of our regular lives and vacation experiences. In these articles, you will find tips, tricks and recommendations to help you incorporate “life travel” in your own life.

You shouldn’t have to wait for a handful of vacation weeks or retirement to live like this. Start now!

Featured Travels


8 Weeks in Atlantic Canada

Many friends, in planning their own trips out East, have asked for the itinerary for our 8-week adventure so they can hit the ground running with their own preparations. Here are the places we saw, locations where we stayed and some great spots to eat so that you can borrow ideas and inspiration for your own travels!

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- lyrics to "Shove" by Angels & Airwaves
- lyrics to "Shove" by Angels & Airwaves
Forget the things that you own.
And travel almost anywhere you can go.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Latest Adventures


How Our Family Travel Is Changing As Our Kids Grow

We’ve been doing “life travel” for five years now. When the kids were young, it seemed like they would be that way forever and we could travel using the same formula in perpetuity. All of a sudden we have a high school kid in the house with a tween close behind. In this article, I cover how we’ve evolved and adapted to continue to do life travel as our kids grow.

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Port Aransas, Texas

This seaside town is located on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, by Corpus Cristi. At this point, we had travelled so far south that we were only a couple of hours from the Mexican border! Warm weather, salty air, sandy beaches and a relaxed vibe come together to create a genuine Caribbean feel right in the US.

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San Antonio, Texas

Some cities are just a joy to spend hours walking around – New York, Paris, and San Antonio! Through the heart of the city runs a series of waterways with walkways on either side and a number of bridges to allow access back and forth across the river. Shops and restaurants flank the paths and create a welcome shady reprieve from the hot Texas sun. If you love history, there is plenty to find beginning with the iconic Alamo.

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Longview, Texas

Truth be told, we chose Longview for one of our stops simply because we were looking for a place that fell in between Memphis and Austin on the map. I’m so glad we landed here though! Prior to visiting, our visions of Texas involved hot, desert terrain with the occasional tumbleweed blowing by. Eastern Texas completely obliterated these assumptions by enveloping us in a lush, green and fertile forest environment with a moderate climate.

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Goliad, Texas

Our week in Goliad is when we really began to feel immersed in the Texas landscape, history and culture. It ended up being one of my very favourite stops of the entire 2-month trip! It was a peaceful, interesting and charming place to visit.

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8 Weeks in Atlantic Canada

Many friends, in planning their own trips out East, have asked for the itinerary for our 8-week adventure so they can hit the ground running with their own preparations. Here are the places we saw, locations where we stayed and some great spots to eat so that you can borrow ideas and inspiration for your own travels!

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Prince Edward Island

Our 10-year old described PEI as “one big small town” and she was absolutely right. We were wowed by the stunning red coastline, the beautiful countryside and the friendly people. Here are the places we saw, locations where we stayed and some great spots to eat so that you can borrow ideas and inspiration for your own travels.

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Yarmouth & Digby Peninsula, Nova Scotia

We spent a quiet week parked on the shore of the Bay of Fundy in west Nova Scotia. The tides were incredible to witness and our day-trip to the Digby Peninsula was one of our most memorable excursions. Here are the places we saw, locations where we stayed and some great spots to eat so that you can borrow ideas and inspiration for your own travels.

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