Shawn Johal on Tools for Well-Being, Success and Entrepreneurship

Episode 36

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

Until this point in the life of Fulfillment Equation, I’ve deliberately avoided the  “S” word. What’s this dreaded “S” word, you might ask?…Success.

It’s not that success is a bad thing. The issue is that the word “Success” comes so laden with pre-conceived notions of what it means (money, power, fame), that the very idea of it can be counter-productive to finding fulfillment.

If you strip away those common pre-conceptions, I actually like the word success! It seems to me that it deserves a place in our fulfillment lexicon. So, here’s the deal…we’re going to welcome “Success” back into the fold, but we’re going to reclaim it and redefine it:

Success is specific to YOU. It is the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment you feel when you manage to do something that was important and meaningful to you.

The power of the word success is in understanding that it is personal. YOU get to define what success means and YOU get to celebrate yourself when you meet your own criteria. Redefining success for yourself is one form of freedom. This involves letting go of everyone else’s definitions of success. As this week’s guest, Shawn Johal, says, “The only time you’re going to have the most liberating feeling of freedom is when you stop caring what other people think about you”.

My conversation with Shawn is absolutely jam-packed with all sorts of ideas and tools you can use for your own personal growth. Shawn is an entrepreneur, business coach, author and speaker. We talk about personal success, how stress is the biggest killer of energy and passion, the time/anger gap, the 3-2-1 rule, how to cultivate open-hearted curiousity, and small changes you can make to your morning/evening routines to foster well-being. Shawn also discusses the 3 key ingredients to being a great entrepreneur. You’ll be surprised to hear that they aren’t what you think (e.g. “risk-taker”) and not only that, they can be learned! Even if you aren’t an entrepreneur, these are skills worth growing.

Of course, we also build Shawn’s equation: 6e + 6mr + 6j + 4w + 6s +2k + 2fg + 6er + 4W

Oh, and you’ll never guess the surprising translation behind Shawn’s birth name. Listen to find out!

About the Guest

Shawn Johal co-founded DALS Lighting, an LED lighting business, in 2009. He implemented the Scaling Up Growth System and led the company to 3X its revenues well into the 8 figures. Shawn went on to found Elevation Leaders, a Strategic Business Coaching firm, where he works with
entrepreneurs & their teams to help accelerate their growth while helping them find personal balance and happiness. He is a Certified Scaling Up coach and the author of The Happy Leader, a leadership fable about transformation in business and in life. He provides a “Happiness Roadmap” for his readers and clients, teaching them how to achieve both happiness and success.


Transcript coming soon


The Foundations

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