Sarah McComb-Turbitt on Blending Science, Art and Entrepreneurship

Episode 20

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

In this episode, I get the chance to talk with Sarah McComb-Turbitt about her transition from scientist to artist, what she’s learned along her journey and the specific steps she takes to create her amazing artwork.

One theme that comes out in our conversation is finding balance in healthy tensions. These are often the tensions we’re leveraging in our own fulfillment equation practice. For example, balancing the drive to be productive with the mindset of staying present, or balancing deliberate planning with being flexible.

Sarah shares an experience that taught her how to move away from a state of perfectionism in her approach to painting and set some boundaries around time. It helped her dispel her own myth that the quality and desirableness of the painting was a direct product of the amount of time invested. I think many of us can relate to examples of that learning in our own lives.

I also admire Sarah’s openness to new experiences along her journey. As she says, “It’s funny how there’s paths that you don’t think of that all of a sudden fall in front of you and just change your whole perspective on everything”.

Finally, together we build Sarah’s equation: 25p + 10b + 14na + 14k + 2f + 3fr + 25s.

“Time doesn’t equal a better painting? It just completely broke that illusion for me.”

– Sarah McComb-Turbitt

About the Guest

Sarah McComb-Turbitt is a Marine Biologist turned artist with her studio in Owen Sound, Ontario. She is a signature member of Artists for Conservation with a united vision to preserve and sustain our natural heritage. In her work, Sarah captures the unique behaviours of animals and gives us a window into the sentimental moments in their lives. In addition, she has supported conservation with every work created since transitioning to painting full-time in 2020. She is a lover of nature and animals, a mother and an entrepreneur.


Transcript coming soon


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