So what is the Fulfillment Equation anyway? The Fulfillment Equation (FE) is a journey to create your best life through a focus on freedom, purpose and experiences. It is a practice of simultaneously finding joy in the moments of each day while also actively designing for your desired future. Ultimately, it is about discovering and standing firmly in the kind of contentment that is meaningful, deep, long-lasting and unique to you.

The Fulfillment Equation is a specific process supported by a set of key concepts that I have learned to embrace in my own journey to find contentment and meaning in my life. I believe the journey that has guided me thus far (and will continue to lead me beyond) is not unique. Rather, I anticipate many others can relate – that it is fundamentally human in nature.
Practically speaking, the Fulfillment Equation is the intersection of four components: i) the core concepts that are foundational to a wholesome life, ii) a step-by-step process that you can use to maximize the joy in your daily living, iii) a high-level approach to pursuing your dreams, and iv) the tools needed to tie all of this together.
The concepts and tools of the Fulfillment Equation are here for you to experiment with in your own journey. More than that, FE is a community and practice of ongoing discovery that you can tap into for inspiration, joy, connection and nourishment for the soul.

The Origin
My background and trajectory was similar to many others: get good grades in school, get into a good university, land a good job, perform good work to land the next promotion, buy the bigger house, work hard to save for a good retirement, live for the weekends and occasional vacations, go through the motions of what your calendar dictates and what is expected of you, etc…
The result was a life that was really good…especially “on paper”! Then why did I feel bored and tired just going through the motions of each day? Why did things feel meaningless and empty? Why did the things that used to make me happy not seem to do the trick anymore? Why was my resiliency waning? Why did the colour slowly fade from my world? This gradually led to a low place that became a turning point for beginning to think differently about my life, the world, what was expected of me and the choices I have. What emerged was the ability to design and live a life that is (in the words of business guru Jim Collins) not just good, but great! It is the process of transforming a life full of “have-to-dos” into a life of “want-to-dos”.

The Process
The process of FE is built on the recognition that time is your most precious asset. The steps are essentially a method for infusing as many moments of small joy into your day-to-day life as possible until those small joys fill up your cup. Over time, you can start to link this ground-up approach to a set of top-down steps that help you connect with your goals and your “why”. When you get really fluent with the process, you can navigate seamlessly from the moments of your day to day to your most far-reaching dreams, making the connections that feed your fulfillment in the now.
Here are the general steps. Each step as well as a description of how it all works together will be covered in detail in the series of Fulfillment Equation articles.

The Foundations
There are many important, related concepts that form the foundation that is needed for the Fulfillment Equation approach to be successful. These include, but are not limited to:
- Understanding the difference between happiness and fulfillment
- Breaking down hard-wired assumptions about how you’re supposed to “do” life
- Learning how to feel and trusting your intuition
- Finding freedom in work (breaking away from traditional work arrangements)
- Finding freedom through mobility & travel
- Pursuing financial independence
- Building confidence from the ground-up
- The importance of quiet and nature
- The importance of creativity
- The importance of adventure
- The importance of a daily reflection and gratitude practice
- Living a life of simplicity
- Focusing on experiences rather than things
- Exploring purpose and passion
- Staying physically and mentally healthy
- Fost connection and belonging in your relationships
- Focusing on contribution and giving
We will explore many of these themes with the intention of learning how to embrace and build these core elements into daily living.

The Community
The FE community is entirely free and is an opportunity to stay connected as we dive deeper into the topics above. You’ll receive one email each week loaded with inspiration, tools and ideas to support you in your own path to find fulfillment. In addition, you’ll have full access to the Travel content, which is an exciting, practical example of actively living the equation. Let’s take this journey together!