Manish Raizada on Uncovering Your Purpose

Episode 21 (Part 1)

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

Wouldn’t it be incredible to have a purpose as heroic as that of Manish Raizada? “To reduce the suffering of young people in terms of food, and to empower them in terms of their careers”. Dr. Raizada’s work is directly helping to reduce world hunger, and in his spare time he has helped to mentor hundreds of students. However, the reality is that the world would be a boring place if we all had exactly the same purpose. We each have our own unique purpose and that is our gift to the world. Manish describes, “If you put humanity together, it’s a beautiful three-dimensional, colourful painting and everyone has a specific piece to contribute that enriches all of us”.

But how do you uncover your purpose? Manish discusses many of the probing questions he’s found successful in helping people discover their unique gift. He challenges us to look for the thread in our answers and remarks that we can often trace that thread back to our 5-year old self. In his experience, this life-changing reflection takes very little time at all! How incredible would it have been to do some of this thinking at the age of 17? But it’s never too late.

Lots more to come in Part 2, including building Manish’s unique equation.

“Everyone has their purpose – they just have to uncover it.”

– Manish Raizada

About the Guest

Manish N. Raizada is a Professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph in Canada. After an undergraduate degree in genetics at the University of Western Ontario, he completed a PhD in plant molecular genetics from Stanford University and did post-doctoral research in microbial directed evolution at Caltech with Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold. Today, he is head of a research laboratory that investigates probiotics for crops to reduce usage of fertilizers and pesticides. He also develops Sustainable Agriculture Kits (SAKs) for small scale farmers in developing nations which have thus impacted 260,000 rural peoples. Dr. Raizada has mentored more than 130 young researchers in his laboratory. He is married to a brilliant lawyer who defends the rights of refugees and immigrants, and together they have two young children. 


Transcript coming soon


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