Erin on Putting Your Strategy Into Action (Personal Strategy: Step 3)

Episode 40

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

We now have a vision and personal strategy that give us clarity and direction when it comes to building future fulfillment. But how do we turn that strategy into action? After all, without action our dreams for the future will remain just that…dreams! Our action is what will ultimately turn those dreams into reality.

Step 3 of Your Personal Strategy focuses on creating an action plan that will help you bridge the gap between your high-level strategy and your day-to-day activities. By celebrating our accomplishments so far, then identifying short-term goals and supporting behaviours for each pillar in our strategy, we can confidently move out of “thinking” mode and into “doing” mode.

In this episode, I take a deep dive into the three parts of your action plan (reflection, goal-setting, behaviours) and provide loads of examples along the way to help you apply this in your own life. By the end of this step, you’ll be able to clearly trace how your behaviour and choices today link you directly to getting closer to where you want to be in the future. Just follow the bread crumbs! In knowing this to be the case, we can comfortably set aside our strategy and action plan and focus our energies on the behaviours in our present living.


Transcript coming soon


The Foundations

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