David Carley on Resourcefulness, Travel and Lifelong Learning

Episode 38

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

In this episode, I’m talking with entrepreneur, real estate investor and world traveller, David Carley. Dave is like a modern-day MacGyver in his persistent (sometimes stubborn, as he describes) commitment to figuring things out and making things happen. I dig into the innate qualities that have led to Dave’s success to see if we can learn tricks to adopt them too! Things like: ability to handle stress, learning the rules, positive attitude, confidence, courage, persistence and dedication.

We discuss travel and Dave shares his 1:1:1 rule – 1 day/week, 1 week/month, 1 month/year. He describes why it’s helpful to learn from others and how experiences are like a university degree. Dave also describes how he’s currently researching and designing his own formula for retirement. He gives us a good trick for defining your “why”, which can be really helpful in getting you through tough times.

Plus, you’ll never believe the crazy story he tells about swapping jobs with his Dad! 

Finally, we build Dave’s equation: 7F + 4W + 2T + 5e + 7ce

About the Guest

David Carley is President of Sunset Sign Co. and YESCO Sign and Lighting. In addition to his businesses, Dave has built a strong real estate portfolio and does a ton of “life travel”. He is wise, adventurous and inspirational in his approach to both business and life.


Transcript coming soon


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