Tom Benson on Playing More and Fearing Less

Episode 19

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

Get ready for some major “ah-ha” moments! My guest this week is the absolutely incredible Tom Benson. Tom has led a breathtaking life of adventure, while all the while knowing exactly what fear is. He teaches us not to be “fearless”, but rather to simply Fear Less. That means acknowledging the fear, assessing the risks, understanding the consequences and then making a decision – rather than just reacting to fear. As Tom says: “The fear is just telling you that you have a decision to make. That’s what the fear is there for.”

In our conversation, we also dig into understanding play, why it’s important and how the opportunities for play show up in daily living. We explore mindfulness and meditation. We cover nature and solitude. And we tease apart passion and purpose. There’s a reason this is an extra long episode – we go deep into many of the foundational components of fulfillment, and the best part is, we have many learnings together along the way. If you feel anything like I do, by the end of the conversation you will be much closer to connecting with a deep sense of living.

We end the episode by building Tom’s equation: 14s + 18mi + 20p + 40c + 10g.

“Don’t be afraid to be afraid.”

– Tom Benson

About the Guest

Tom is the co-founder and Chief Experience Officer of WildPlay, a group of adventure parks across North America that empower over a million individuals to “play more” and “fear less” through extraordinary outdoor experiences. Prior to this, Tom was a leader in a fast-growing software company, and earlier, a professional mountain guide. Tom is a husband and father to two sons. He is also a mentor to fellow entrepreneurs and a deep lover of nature.


Transcript coming soon


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