Joanne Pattison on Adventure, Fun and Building Community

Episode 12

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

In this episode, I have the pleasure of chatting with one of the loveliest people you’ll ever meet, Joanne Pattison. When the theme of connection and community first popped up during my conversation with Chris Herbert, I was intrigued. When it emerged again in this conversation with Joanne, I became convinced of its place as a “Fulfillment Foundation”. Joanne helps me better understand intentional community building and we talk about how community can help reinforce the practices around your own unique Fulfillment Equation.

Joanne and I also talk about staying healthy, having fun, fostering a sense of adventure and how these three can all work together. As she says, “Wherever you are on your income scale or adventure scale, don’t forget to get outside and just do something different – just do something exhilarating”. We also touch on the transition to retirement and finding fulfillment along the way.

Finally, together we build Joanne’s equation: 8f + 15e + 7v + 10n +3le + 4c + 7r

“No one gets to the end of their life and says ‘gee, I’m sorry I had so much fun’.”

– Joanne Pattison

About the Guest

Joanne has a unique gift when it comes to connecting to people and helping them feel comfortable and heard. No doubt this was essential during the 35 years she spent working in the public sector, primarily in social services. She is an expert in strategy and community engagement. Joanne has also always struck me as a perfect example of what Jim Collins refers to as “Level 5 Leadership” – someone who is modest and willful, humble and fearless. She is a lifelong learner and is currently studying at Western University to become a senior fitness instructor.


Transcript coming soon


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