Alexandra Eidens on Growth Mindset and Embracing a Big Life

Episode 15

On this Episode of Fulfillment Equation

What a treat to have the opportunity to learn from growth mindset expert, Alexandra Eidens! Alexandra is Founder and CEO of Big Life Journal, a world traveler and mom to two young boys. In this episode, we talk about what it looks like to adopt a growth mindset, the importance of defining our beliefs and how we get to choose what our own “big life” looks like. As Alexandra describes, when you identify who you want to be, claim that to the world, and define what you believe in, you actually have the power to make it become your reality. This is what it looks like to have a Big Life!

Alexandra gives some practical tips and examples of how to bring growth-minded thinking into daily living. Check out how she helps me re-frame some of my thinking around life as an entrepreneur! We also talk about living a nomadic life and travelling the world with kids.

Finally, together we build Alexandra’s equation: 20w + 21k + 14f + 7c + 2fr + 7le

“Fulfillment is finding joy.”

– Alexandra Eidens

About the Guest

Alexandra is Founder & CEO of Big Life Journal and GrowthMinded – companies that create science-based resources for kids, teens and adults to support the development of a growth mindset. She also has a weekly distribution on mindset tips, along with her own podcast called “Big Life with Alexandra”. Alexandra is a graduate of the State University of New York and the London Business School. She lives in Italy with her husband and two young sons.


Transcript coming soon


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